

麦吉尔实习计划 offers distinguished students an opportunity to integrate classroom knowledge and theory with practical, 实际工作经验. 实习通常在夏季提供, 作为学生探索工程事业, 景观建筑, 市场营销, 会计, 人力资源, 或其他感兴趣的专业领域.


工程实习生根据自己的兴趣被安排在一个团队中, 学术水平, 和经验, where they will work alongside registered professionals and design staff to gain relevant experience on every assignment. 通过跨办公室和跨学科的工作, 学生可以接触到不同的地理区域, 不同类型的客户和项目, and specific software to enhance their understanding of the discipline and consulting engineering in general.

McGill offers paid internships to students who are pursuing an engineering degree in civil, 环境, 生物系统, 机械, 电, 或abet认证大学的相关专业. The program is highly competitive and requires all students to go through a rigorous interview process.

The following engineering disciplines have internship opportunities in the following offices:

  • 土木/现场团队- ashville, 胡桃木, 罗利和Shallotte办事处
  • 水 / wastewater team – 诺克斯维尔, 阿什维尔, 胡桃木, and 松林 offices
  • 机械组-阿什维尔办公室
  • 电气组,阿什维尔和山胡桃办公室
  • 水资源(雨水)小组-罗利办事处

For information on internship opportunities for all other professions, please contact us at recruiting@dvision-eye.com.




在麦吉尔大学, you are valued at all stages of your career — from intern through senior level management. 我们不仅为实习生和新员工提供支持和指导, but we also believe in giving them ample opportunities to bring fresh ideas to the table and show us what they are capable of. 我们的许多员工都是从实习生开始他们的bet356体育ios下载的, 他们现在是下一代的导师. Embedding students in internships early in their academic careers allows them to better understand the engineering discipline and find areas of specialization that might be a suitable fit for them. 这对你和麦吉尔来说是双赢!





McGill professionals enjoy sharing their love of their jobs with future generations. We offer students the opportunity to gain insight into a specific field by shadowing a team member for a day. 欲了解更多信息,请bet356体育 recruiting@dvision-eye.com.




“My time as a McGill intern has not only solidified my decision to pursue a career in engineering, but has also allowed me to gain valuable experience in a field that excites me. I have always been treated as a valuable team member and am grateful to work in an environment that

  • 莉莉·威廉姆斯

“I took the opportunity to intern at McGill because it would be a great resume builder and ultimately, 我认为这是一个我不能错过的机会.”

  • 内森Treadway
    艾莫利大学 & 亨利学院

“Interning allowed me to see the company first-hand and see the culture of the company upfront. I was able to see that the managers wanted to see me, as an individual, progress in my career. They were interested in seeing me grow and potentially become a project manager, 也许有一天会成为公司的总裁.”

  • 诺亚·格林,体育教师


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